Willkommen, Saluton, a Vítejte!
The blog has moved…to this site! Google’s new censorship rules over at Blogger were such a PR disaster that I chose to no longer host there. I have no intention of posting adult images here ; it’s the principle of the thing.
Where Things Are
I’ve copied over the most recent few posts and may add earlier ones, but it doesn’t really matter. Here’s all you need:
Old site: http://codykirkpatrick.blogspot.com/ (18 December 2012 to 26 February 2015)
New site: this one, http://codykirkpatrick.com/blog (26 February 2015–date)
What’s Mostly Here
The four main categories/tags that I use are Humor (I need to post more of that); Personal (I don’t need to post any of that); and Education and Weather. In those last two categories, you’ll see thoughts on teaching and pedagogy; classroom experiments and successes and failures; and quick saves of data, images, photographs, and videos that I use in my classes. Tweets, Facebook posts, or other content are embedded here strictly for the purposes of educational fair use.